In the latest episode of Psychiatria, I explore how I became a health coach. When I think about it, a holistic psychiatry practice is an interesting place to begin practicing as a health coach. Oftentimes, people come here seeking, sometimes urgent, medical support. They might be struggling with their psych meds and want help getting off, or in need of treatment for related conditions. As a health coach, I can’t do any of these things. So, what role do I play here? 

In short, I can support every part of our patients’ journeys that is outside of the medical care they need. Along with our holistic psychiatrist, I help people determine which interventions are right for them. Where I really shine, however, is in teaching people how to actually incorporate these recommendations into their life in a sustainable and effective way.

When you’re already struggling with your mental health, as many of the people who find us are, making any kind of change in your life can feel next to impossible. Everything you’ve learned is telling you to clean up your diet, eat more whole foods, get regular exercise, meditate every day, take these supplements –  oh, and work towards getting off of this medication that your body has become dependent on and isn’t helping you much. That’s A LOT! The truth is that holistically treating anything, but especially mental illness, is hard freakin’ work. 

But wait, there’s good news! My role as a health coach is to support you through this exact process. I can help you sort through the mass of recommendations you might receive and make it seem doable. We can tweak, modify, adapt, and pick a just few key things to focus on. When doing this work, sometimes we need someone to walk with us. We need someone who understands both what we’re going through and where we want to go. We need someone who can light the way for us. We usually can’t do it all on our own.

At Free Range, I support and guide our patients in actually making the changes. I work with them on clarifying their goals and determining what interventions feel doable right now. My continued support holds them accountable and empowers them to get curious about their experience, noticing what works and what doesn’t. Together, we celebrate all the accomplishments along their journey.  

Though I have a special role for Free Range Psychiatry patients, anyone in the world is able to work with me. The best way to get started is to book a Free 15-minute Health Coach Phone Consultation. Have questions? Send me an email: I can’t wait to work with you!

In this very last episode of Psychiatria season 1, I share how I chose health coaching, why it has become such a passion for me, and how I intend to practice. You can find this episode of Psychiatria and all the others on your podcatcher of choice, embedded below, or at the links HERE. Want to keep in touch between seasons? Find me on Instagram (@the.curious.healthcoach). I can’t wait to hear from you! Stay curious, dear listeners.

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