A few weeks ago, I had my first viral video on TikTok. It was amazing to suddenly have so many followers overnight, and it started out with a huge positive response. However, after some other TikTokers posted hostile responses to my videos, I experienced the online version of a witch hunt.

An angry virtual mob came at me, taunting me and making threats to have my medical license taken away. As I read through the angry comments, I started feeling all alone and even doubted myself.

Then, something magical happened. I had a virtual meeting with my friends and colleagues in our Free Range Fellowship. I talked about what had been happening on TikTok and they immediately validated my experience. They reminded me of the importance of what we are all doing. They made me feel accepted and loved. They got me.

Here’s the lesson that I want to share with you: We live in a society that pressures us to conform. Every day we are sent messages to sit down, shut up, and blend in. We can easily become too scared to speak up when we see something that feels wrong or to stand out and be our real, authentic selves.

I’m here to tell you that you CAN listen to your inner voice telling you that something is off. You CAN be loud and speak your truth. And you CAN be your beautiful, unique badass self!

Our mission at Free Range is to help people re-connect to their inner wisdom and love their authentic selves. In that spirit, we created the Free Range Community, which is a virtual space where conscious humans can come together to celebrate and lift each other up.

I’m so thrilled to let you know that we have launched the beginning of this Community with our Free Range Virtual Groups. Each of our groups is hosted by a radically minded, holistic healer in our Free Range Fellowship. Our groups are open to all curious humans who are interested in growth and healing. Our current offerings are:

Power of Intention – using intention to change ourselves and change our world – Sundays at 5PM EST

Trauma Curious – getting curious about healing trauma, which is at the root of all dis-ease – Mondays at 7PM EST

Mindful Living – learning how to live every day with presence and ease – Tuesdays at 8PM EST

Don’t Hold Your Breath – being human and living with anxiety – Wednesdays at 4PM EST

Psych Med Warriors – powerful humans connecting to come off psych meds – Thursdays at 8PM EST

As a non-profit organization, it’s our honor to offer unlimited access to all of our groups for only $15/month. We believe everyone should have access to a community where they feel safe, accepted and heard.

If this resonates with you on a deep level, SIGN UP to join our community. We are your tribe and we get you.

With Love,
Dr. Kendra Campbell