
How I Became a Psychiatrist Who Doesn’t Prescribe Medications


My first experience in psychiatry was actually as a psychiatric technician at a state psychiatric hospital. I worked on a unit with extremely acute and many times agitated patients. As a psych tech, I spent a lot of time one on one with my patients and really got to know them well. I would see [...]

How I Became a Psychiatrist Who Doesn’t Prescribe Medications2022-08-07T00:50:45+00:00

We’ve Been Fooled Into Believing Antidepressants Work


Science had their pants pulled down and their genitals exposed. Last week, a huge study was released that definitively disproved the chemical imbalance theory of depression and a large investigation found that one of the most important findings in Alzheimer’s research was based on fabricated images. Sadly, as a medical doctor and scientist, none of [...]

We’ve Been Fooled Into Believing Antidepressants Work2022-08-01T12:22:30+00:00

I Owe Everyone an Apology


A landmark study was released two days ago that definitively found that there is no chemical imbalance that causes depression. We also know that there is no chemical imbalance that causes any mental illness. I’m on various psychiatry forums and I’ve been watching everyone’s response to this study coming out. What I have seen has [...]

I Owe Everyone an Apology2022-07-23T10:32:23+00:00

I Didn’t Know My Psych Meds Were Harming Me


When I talk about the dangers of psych drugs, some people respond with "but my psych meds help me!" Many of my patients have also told me that while they were taking psych drugs, they thought they were okay but then when they stopped, they realized that the drugs were harming them and affecting their [...]

I Didn’t Know My Psych Meds Were Harming Me2022-06-13T12:47:04+00:00
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