
Medicating Normal Panelist Discussion


It was such an honor and a joy to join Dr. Kerry Ann Williams, Lynn Cunningham, Angela Peacock and Jennifer Turner for this panelist discussion about the award willing documentary, Medicating Normal. It was hosted by the Center for Trauma and Embodiment at the Justice Resource Institute, which is a resource for innovators with trauma-informed, [...]

Medicating Normal Panelist Discussion2021-04-21T17:59:59+00:00

Breast is Best, Unless it’s Making Mom Depressed


If you are a mother or know someone who has had a baby in the past 30 years, chances are that you have heard the phrase "breast is best," which is meant to convey the benefits of breastfeeding over formula feeding. Indeed, the list of health benefits of breastfeeding for babies is quite long and [...]

Breast is Best, Unless it’s Making Mom Depressed2020-05-12T03:55:01+00:00

Protection From COVID-19: Take Your Vitamin D


As a holistic psychiatrist, I am quite familiar with vitamin D deficiency. I check a vitamin D blood level on every single patient as part of their initial evaluation as there is evidence that low vitamin levels are linked to depression. In my experience, around 90% of patients have some level of vitamin D deficiency, [...]

Protection From COVID-19: Take Your Vitamin D2020-06-17T11:19:07+00:00

COVID-19: How to Wear a Cloth Mask


The CDC is now recommending wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). This could help to slow community-based transmission of COVID-19, however, it's extremely important to remember that there is a right and a wrong way to wear a cloth mask. [...]

COVID-19: How to Wear a Cloth Mask2020-04-08T14:53:30+00:00
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