
10 Causes of OCD that Your Doctor Missed


The mainstream pharmaceutical narrative is that OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a chronic mental illness that requires medication for life. This is actually quite inaccurate and it is possible to treat and even cure OCD without medications. OCD always has a root cause and if it’s treated, the symptoms will disappear without using neurotoxic drugs. Here [...]

10 Causes of OCD that Your Doctor Missed2022-07-04T11:09:18+00:00

5 Tips for Safely Stopping Psychiatric Medication


At Free Range, we specialize in helping patients safely stop their psychiatric medications by using a root cause/holistic approach. We have had a lot of patients tell us horror stories about their previous attempts and failures to stop their psych meds. It's our mission to help support people during this process so that they are [...]

5 Tips for Safely Stopping Psychiatric Medication2022-06-27T11:25:47+00:00

Dr. Campbell on The Rehab Podcast


"Dr. Kendra Campbell is the founder of Free Range Psychiatry, an organization that believes in the potential for human beings to thrive without the need for psychiatric medications. Imagine going to the psychiatrist and not getting a prescription for an antidepressant, antipsychotic, or antianxiety medication. It’s almost unheard of. Free Range is different. The doctors [...]

Dr. Campbell on The Rehab Podcast2022-05-18T13:45:07+00:00

Probiotics: How to Get Started


Did you know that your body is currently home to trillions of bacterial cells? These little bugs make up your microbiome and actually play a HUGE role in your mental health. In fact, we know that you can Heal Your Gut to Heal Your Brain and that probiotics are key players in this process. However, [...]

Probiotics: How to Get Started2022-05-12T16:04:26+00:00

Heal Your Gut to Heal Your Brain


It might be surprising to you that your gut health and your mental health are actually quite closely related. In fact, I could even argue that they are the same thing. The science out there surrounding the mind-gut connection is growing by the day. So far we’ve learned that your gut produces around 95% of [...]

Heal Your Gut to Heal Your Brain2022-05-04T20:16:09+00:00

PSYCHIATRIA – Why Health Coaching?


In the latest episode of Psychiatria, I explore how I became a health coach. When I think about it, a holistic psychiatry practice is an interesting place to begin practicing as a health coach. Oftentimes, people come here seeking, sometimes urgent, medical support. They might be struggling with their psych meds and want help getting [...]

PSYCHIATRIA – Why Health Coaching?2022-04-24T00:26:54+00:00

Drugged: How Psychiatry Does More Harm Than Good


Most Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness and many will be prescribed a psychiatric medication. We are supposedly identifying and treating more and more mental illness, yet suicide rates and disability continue to rise. If medications are the cure for mental illness, why aren’t we getting better? The answer is staring us in [...]

Drugged: How Psychiatry Does More Harm Than Good2022-03-29T13:15:31+00:00

Join a Radical Healing Movement


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead Are you like I used to be? Do you feel stuck prescribing endless medications to people who rarely get much better and suffer from horrible side effects? Do you [...]

Join a Radical Healing Movement2022-03-28T10:56:36+00:00
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