
Blog on the Range

“Where you stumble and fall, there you will find gold.” – Joseph Campbell

How to be Supplement Smart

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These days, supplements are a totally legitimate and arguably essential part of a nourishing diet. They can help to fill in the gaps left by our modern diet and the nutrient depletion of our soil. However, it’s important to remember that this is their only purpose. “Supplement” is defined as “something that completes or makes an addition,” and this is what their role should be in our diet. We can get into trouble with supplements [...]

I Didn’t Know My Psych Meds Were Harming Me

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When I talk about the dangers of psych drugs, some people respond with "but my psych meds help me!" Many of my patients have also told me that while they were taking psych drugs, they thought they were okay but then when they stopped, they realized that the drugs were harming them and affecting their judgment. Here are 5 reasons why someone might feel that their psych drugs are helping them, only to realize later [...]

The Truth About Detoxing

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“Detox” has become a buzzword these days. We are told that we need to do juice cleanses, take special supplements, and do any other myriad of things in order to rid our bodies of toxic substances. In actuality, some of these practices might support detoxification but others can be harmful. The truth is that your body is already a master detoxer and it’s probably doing a better job than you’re giving it credit for. In [...]

Your Sweet Tooth & Your Mental Health

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Imagine you've just eaten half a dozen cookies (or brownies or mini cupcakes or whatever your sugar vice is). Not too long after, you start to feel really tired and sluggish, maybe a bit shaky, and perhaps like you need to eat more sugar to keep going. Many of us know this feeling as a blood sugar crash, and this is just one way that sugar can wreak havoc on your system. It's actually got [...]

Bugs for your Brain – Managing your Microbiome for Mental Health

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Your gut health and your mental health are intimately related, primarily due to the trillions of bacteria in your gut - your microbiome. You might’ve heard about “good” bacteria versus “bad” bacteria, but did you know that some strains have unique roles in mental health? These “psychobiotic” strains are key, and are just one more piece of evidence why working with your gut microbiome is one of the best ways to improve your gut and [...]

Dr. Campbell on The Rehab Podcast

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"Dr. Kendra Campbell is the founder of Free Range Psychiatry, an organization that believes in the potential for human beings to thrive without the need for psychiatric medications. Imagine going to the psychiatrist and not getting a prescription for an antidepressant, antipsychotic, or antianxiety medication. It’s almost unheard of. Free Range is different. The doctors at Free Range Psychiatry work with patients to taper off of psych meds, to manage psych med withdrawal symptoms, and [...]


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